The Holy Grail of Hypnosis Weight Loss Is Finally Available to Australians Lose Weight Without Gruelling Exercise Programs!

Find Out In One FREE phone Consultation. How To Turn Your Body Into a Fat Melting Furnace & Transform Yourself Into the Slim, Energetic & Confident Person You Truly Are...

Find out about our 8 week challenge

The Revolutionary Weight Loss Plan That
Melts Stubborn Fat From the Stomach, Hips,
Butt and Thighs!

People across the world struggling with their weight have used medically backed Hypnosis weight loss plan (In the waste than on the waist TM )to shed unwanted kilos and take back their lives.

They have used this unique and effective Hypnosis Weight Loss Plan for over 20 years to easily and sustainable drop their weight and keep it off- which they thought would be some thing they would never be able to do. Before they found our plan they struggled silently with their weight issues. They felt hopeless, frustrated and angry they’d tried so many different fad diets and exercises routines that promise they’d shrink their wait line – only to be let down time and again.

Now they’re enjoying life again, they’re more confident in their new slim sexy bodies, and best of all ,the’re easily keeping the weight off with our tailor made maintenance program. And you can do the same!

Here’s just a few of the benefits of using Hypnosis Weight Loss Plan to help you lose those stubborn kilos and reclaim your life.

Dropping Those Kilos Makes You Feel Happy, Confident & Full Of Life

When the fat starts melting from your Hips, thighs and butt you’ll feel proud , secure and happy in your skin for the first time in years !

Hypnotherapy Weight Loss plan Tailored To Your Individual Needs.

Don’t put up with one size fits all Approach to weight loss- you need a plan tailored to YOU to maximise your chance for success!

Personal 1 On 1 Hypnosis Consultation to Help You At Every Step

We Know its easy to undo all your hard Work so our Consultants are here for you to provide ongoing support for you if you have a question or feel like giving up

Helps Fight Weight Related Disease Like Type-2 Diabetes

Loosing Weight helps you live healthier and reduce the effects of problems like diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol

Evidence Based Backed by Medical Research & Testing

Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss, researched and Tested by doctors to help patients with Weight problems shed kilos as fast as Possible!

Find out about our 8 week challenge

"Over 93 % success rate with permanent weight loss in just a few weeks without any diets"

YES! I CAN MAKE YOU THIN and give you an easy way to stop overeating, control cravings, and feel motivated to do some exercise as a new lifestyle habit and not a duty. Sam Javed has developed a breakthrough weight-loss program (In the waste than on the waist TM ) tried and tested on thousands of happy clients that re-patterns your thoughts, attitudes and beliefs about yourself, your health, and your food to help you easily get control of your diet and lose weight and keep it off permanently.

The clinical hypnosis sessions focus on the underlying causes for the food addiction as well as the symptoms. Hypnotherapy is a pleasant and relaxing experience. You'll remain aware, yet deeply relaxed throughout the session. Before you decide just how easy this decision is to make, let me tell you a few things that might help.

Lose the weight & Keep it Off…Unlike Those Unsustainable Gym Intensive Exercise Program!

There’s no point beginning a weight loss program and going through All the pain and effort, only to put the weight back on in a couple of Months. But that’s exactly what happens when people use other Programs that focus on high intensity gym work outs and heavy Weight training

That kind of lifestyle is simply unsustainable for many people. All it Does is set themselves up for failure time and again- each time Making it harder to get motivated.

Find out about our 8 week challenge

See for Yourself Some of the eye-Popping weight
Loss Results Our ‘Slimmers’ Have Achieved In Just A
Few Weeks In Australia.

Reprogram Your Unconscious Mind To Become

Naturally Thin Comfortably & Easily

At  Hypnosis Weight Loss (In the waste then on the waist TM ),we understand All your decisions about what, when and how much you eat take place in your mind. Just like a computer you can re-program your mind so you feel in control around food and happier in yourself. Addictions and especially food addictions are all to do with cravings created by our thoughts. We can change these thoughts through Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy and NLP. Most of the issues are negative self-esteem issues created in the past events. Negative thinking triggers the flight or fight response releasing uncomfortable stress chemicals in the body, this creates a craving for relief from the perceived threat that may not be conscious, could be a want for approval, control or security. A want is a fear of lack. The flight to food is a response to relieve this craving.



Speak to one of our Consultants today and find out how



Find out about our 8 week challenge

Your  How To Permanently Lose Weight Program includes

  • One on One clinical hypnotherapy. Consultant will meet with you and perform a detailed analysis of your weight issues. During this personal face to face interaction they will address not just the SYMTOMS but the TRUE CAUSE of your weight gain. You’ll be able to give information, ask questions, bounce ideas and get feedback.
  • During the hypnosis sessions we will communicate with your deeper subconscious mind and will address to the PART that WANTS to lose weight and also address to the PART that’s trying to SABOTAGE you out of slimness.
  • You will learn how to comfortably release negative emotions
  • You will conquer your eating habits and help you change the relationship you have with food.
  • Detailed hypnotherapy session during each consultation to resolve any secondary gains on an unconscious level.
  • Once programmed, your subconscious mind will move you towards the ideal body image and maintains it for years to come.
  • Unconscious goal setting strategies by building self-esteem and confidence

You Won’t Have to Deal With
People Who Don’t Understand
How You’re Feeling …Because All of
Us Have Been In Your Shoes Before

One thing that makes us unique here at Hypnosis weight loss plan (In the waste than on the waist TM )is that All our consultants have used the plan to lose weight themselves, You’ll Never have the feeling of disconnect with your Consultant because they Simply don’t understand how you’re feeling or have them give you Advice you can’t follow easily to get out of trouble.

We know what its like to feel the way you do. We know all the common Pitfalls that can trip you up and run you off course . And we know how to Calmly and effectively guide you to hit your weight loss goals and
Become the best version of yourself.

In fact, our CEO Sam Javed him self used the program to lose Weight and has kept it off for over 20 years.

Can You Believe This is the Kind Of Food That Will

Help You LOSE Weight?




Featured IN


Chat to one of Our Consultants
All of our Consultants have been where You are before. And have all Successfully completed the program We’ll discuss your goals and create your Bespoke weight loss plan.
Chat to one of Our Consultants

All of our Consultants have been where

You are before. And have all

Successfully completed the program

We’ll discuss your goals and create your

Bespoke weight loss plan.

Chat to one of Our Consultants
All of our Consultants have been where You are before. And have all Successfully completed the program We’ll discuss your goals and create your Bespoke weight loss plan.

Hear from Hundreds of Successful ‘Slimmers’ Who Reclaimed Their Lives Using Hypnosis weight loss plan (In the waste than on the waist TM )

Hi Sam,

"I came to see you 8 weeks ago and to date I have lost 19 pounds ( 8.61 kilos). It's absolutely brilliant. I was addicted to Red Bull and chocolate I haven't had any cravings for sugar fix since I left your office. I have stopped all that and just drink water instead. I Listen to your MP3  every night as you told me. I didn't find it hard at all and I am not even snacking between meals, which is great. Needless to say I am now a confirmed believer in the efficacy of Hypnotherapy. With gratitude."

Tammy P from Greensborough

Hi Sam,

"I came to see you 8 weeks ago and to date I have lost 19 pounds ( 8.61 kilos). It's absolutely brilliant. I was addicted to Red Bull and chocolate I haven't had any cravings for sugar fix since I left your office. I have stopped all that and just drink water instead. I Listen to your MP3  every night as you told me. I didn't find it hard at all and I am not even snacking between meals, which is great. Needless to say I am now a confirmed believer in the efficacy of Hypnotherapy. With gratitude."

Tammy P from Greensborough
Hi Sam, "I came to see you 8 weeks ago and to date I have lost 19 pounds ( 8.61 kilos). It's absolutely brilliant. I was addicted to Red Bull and chocolate I haven't had any cravings for sugar fix since I left your office. I have stopped all that and just drink water instead. I Listen to your MP3  every night as you told me. I didn't find it hard at all and I am not even snacking between meals, which is great. Needless to say I am now a confirmed believer in the efficacy of Hypnotherapy. With gratitude."
Tammy P from Greensborough