Break Free From Anxiety & Depression. End the Struggle & Find Lasting Peace With Proven Techniques That Work- GUARANTED RESULTS

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  • Are You Battling With Depression & Anxiety?
  • Do You Feel Trapped With No Means Of Escape?
  • Do You Feel Hopeless & Sad Every Day?
  • Are You Tired Of Feeling Guilty?
  • Do You Feel A Sense of Failure In Life?
  • Do You Have Little Hope Of Things Getting Any Better In Future?
  • Do You Lack Energy & Feel Like Giving Up?
  • Do You Want To Find A Natural Way To End Depression NOW?

Depression & Anxiety Hypnotherapy Program May Be The Answer You Are Looking For!!!

One of the most frequent reasons for visiting a doctor is depression in one form or another. Doctors will generally provide a certificate for a couple of days off and prescribe anti-depressants. Some medications don’t help at all, others cause a deepening of the depression, some cause weight gain that exacerbates the patient’s depression, and some finally help some. However, this only addresses the symptom and not the real cause of the depression. There is a difference between “clinical depression” and “situational depression.” There are times in our lives where anyone would feel depressed. If these feelings lessen and pass within a relatively short time span, then the whole experience can be seen as natural and not necessarily requiring outside help. It’s very common for friends and family members of those who are suffering from depression to lose patience with you, thinking that you can just ‘get over it. Or perhaps your family just doesn’t know what to do to help you. But when feelings persist for longer than a couple of weeks, it's time to get some professional help.

Anxiety And Depression Can Work Together In A Vicious Cycle.

Hypnosis for Anxiety - Alcohol Depression can cause a person to feel sad, lonely, and hopeless, and these feelings can cause the sufferer to feel very anxious indeed. These feelings of anxiety can bring out feelings of depression, and so the cycle continues.

The two main categories of anxiety symptoms, psychic anxiety (unpleasant feelings of fear, tension, and apprehension), and somatic anxiety (unpleasant bodily sensations, palpitations, sweating, abdominal discomfort etc), can both be largely contributing factors to feelings of depression. People with anxiety also tend to avoid situations that might increase their anxious feelings, and this can, in turn, lead to depression. Similarly, people with depression might avoid situations, which can cause anxiety for them. Some people suffering from anxiety and depression wake up without knowing how to cope and might turn to external substances such as alcohol and drugs in order to cope. So they don’t have to worry about worrying. It is common for a patient to feel anxious when not feeling depressed and vice versa.

Types of Depression

Major depression - a depressed mood that lasts for at least two weeks. This may also be referred to as clinical depression or unipolar depression.

Psychotic depression - a depressed mood that includes symptoms of psychosis. Psychosis involves seeing or hearing things that are not there (hallucinations), feeling everyone is against you (paranoia), and having delusions.

Dysthymia - a less severe depressed mood that lasts for years.

Mixed depression and anxiety - a combination of symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Bipolar disorder - (formerly known as manic depressive illness) - involves periods of feeling low (depressed) and high (manic).


Types of Anxiety

Anxiety can appear in many forms, often leaving you feeling overwhelmed and powerless. Through hypnotherapy, we can address various types of anxiety, helping you regain control and peace of mind. Here are some of the most common types of anxiety we work with:

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)- Persistent and excessive worry about everyday situations, often accompanied by restlessness, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating. GAD can leave you feeling on edge, even when there's no immediate reason for concern.

Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia)- Intense fear of social situations, often accompanied by feelings of embarrassment or self-consciousness. This form of anxiety can lead to isolation and avoidance, limiting personal and professional growth.

Panic Disorder- Characterized by sudden and recurrent panic attacks, marked by a rapid heart rate, sweating, and a sense of impending doom. These attacks can occur without warning, creating a cycle of fear and avoidance in daily life.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)- Involves recurring, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) that lead to repetitive behaviours (compulsions). People with OCD often feel trapped in routines that they believe will help ease their anxiety.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)- Anxiety that develops after exposure to a traumatic event. Those with PTSD may experience flashbacks, nightmares, and intense emotional distress related to the trauma, making it challenging to move forward.

Phobias- Extreme fear of specific objects or situations, such as heights, animals, or flying. Phobias can lead to avoidance behaviours that restrict your ability to enjoy life fully.

Health Anxiety (Hypochondria)- Persistent worry about having a serious illness, often leading to frequent doctor visits and health research. This form of anxiety can create a constant cycle of fear, making it difficult to focus on positive aspects of life.

Some Of The Most Common Contributing Factors To Depression & Anxiety Are

Hypnosis for Anxiety - Medicine

  • Anxiety and Stress - Stress is caused due to bereavement, divorce, loss of income, or marriage Any of the things that might cause long-term anxiety in a person could go on to cause depression.
  • Low self-esteem -An individual with low self-esteem is more likely to develop depression by developing negative thinking patterns. These patterns of thinking will cause the mind to seek out further familiar comfort zones in negativity.
  • Illness - Physical illness and medical conditions can contribute to depression, not only due to their psychological ramifications (stress), but also because of the persons weakening health and reduced ability to cope with it.
  • Genetic Predisposition - A person can inherit a predisposition to depression from the parents, it simply means that they are more likely to develop depression than the average person.

"Learn How Hypnotherapy Can Blow Away Depression And Rediscover Happiness And Reasons To Live"

Hypnotherapy Works By Shutting Down Conscious Critical Thinking To Gain Access To The Subconscious Mind.

Hypnosis for Anxiety - New LifeWhen people are clinically depressed, they do not think clearly. They hold a pessimistic view of the future, unrealistic expectations, and are unusually harsh and overly critical of themselves. The suggestions I make during hypnosis help to change negative beliefs that may be exacerbating the symptoms. Depression hypnotherapy can help us remember this when the bad times come around and the beauty of this depression hypnotherapy program is that it gives you the power to create your own solutions without consciously thinking about them. In most cases, depression is a result of prolonged worries which don't go away. Many people find themselves developing strong bonds with their depression hypnotherapist and this relationship further strengthens your ability to face life's problems with confidence, without falling into the grip of negativity which in trying times can be very difficult to fight back. Some people do best with a combination of medication and therapy, and that's fine too. I will take a full case history and in conjunction with your doctor, I will devise the best strategy for your Hypnotherapy depression program.

Hypnosis can offer a positive way out of this predicament. Through the use of hypnotic techniques and language, the doorway to your subconscious can be opened with your permission and cooperation, and then, information can be introduced hypnotically through hypnotic suggestions.

  • Enhancing your coping skills to stress
  • Boosting your self-confidence
  • Decreasing your pain perception
  • Shift your perspectives on your negative experiences
  • Improving your sleep habits
  • Reduce your feelings of guilt and self-blame.
  • Changing your perception about yourself
  • Increasing your motivation for various activities
  • Improving your view into a brighter future
  • Change your negative self-suggestions.
  • Help you to begin making positive choices again.

The Hypnotherapy Depression& Anxiety Program Includes

  • Session of hypnotherapy. I will meet with you and perform a detailed diagnosis of your related Depression issues with this personal, face-to-face interaction, I will address not just the SYMPTOMS but the TRUE CAUSE of your problem you’ll be able to give me information ask questions, bounce ideas, and get feedback.
  • We will also employ hypnosis to uncover and re-process past experiences and memories that have sensitized you to continued depressive reactions in the present.
  • During the therapeutic session, you are guided to mentally rehearse the process of countering and refuting your negative, pessimistic thoughts
  • Desensitize the limiting beliefs by creating a warm, safe, rewarding environment and uncover any underlying unresolved emotional issues that may be contributing to your depression.
  • Metaphor and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). which will help you establish a new outlook to see the previously STRESSFUL situations.
  • During the therapeutic hypnosis sessions, We will communicate with your deeper subconscious mind and will address the PART that WANTS to let go of the past and will also address the PART that’s trying to help you in living a happy life.
  • Colour Lüscher Diagnosis
  • As well as hypnotherapy during each session to resolve any secondary gains on an unconscious level
  • Unconscious goal setting strategies by building self-esteem and confidence
  • You will also be taught to induce self-hypnosis whenever it is required.
  • You will start see changes after the first appointment

Should I Stop Taking My Medication?

The answer to that is DO NOT stop taking any medications without the assistance of your Doctor.

Depending upon the type of depression you are overcoming and what sort of medication you are on.

Hypnosis for Anxiety - Sea Only a medical professional can diagnose you and decide whether you need medication or not. So I will take a full case history and in conjunction with your doctor, I will devise the best strategy for your Hypnotherapy Depression Program. However, don't take any comfort in thinking your depression is chemical ONLY. It IS chemical, but it is still a result of the thoughts you think and the length of time you dwell on them. When you are told that your depression is chemical, you have a reason to feel hopeless and accept drugs as the solution. Some people do need to continue to take antidepressants and continue with counseling and therapy. HOWEVER, most people who are depressed, sad and hopeless need to change the way their subconscious mind is dealing with thoughts and feelings, which creates the chemical state that leads to depression.

Your thoughts, memories, and traumas can create a chemical depression. When you change your thoughts and release the emotional memories, your brain will begin to change the chemical state that it is creating in your body and you will feel better!

Did You know?

  • More than three million people in Australia experience depression, anxiety, or related alcohol and drug problems each year.
  • Depression is currently the leading cause of non-fatal disability in Australia, but only 3 percent of the population identifies it as a major health problem.
  • Each year, undiagnosed depression in the workplace costs $4.3 billion in lost productivity and this excludes Work cover/insurance claims, part-time or casual employees, retrenchment, recruitment, and training.
  • On average, every full-time employee with untreated depression costs an organization $9,665 per year.
  • Each employee with depression will, on average, take three to four days off work per month which is equivalent to over six million days lost each year in Australia.
  • In addition to absenteeism, depression accounts for more than 12 million days of reduced productivity each year.
  • Around half (50%) of people with depression don't get help for it.
  • Research shows that the implementation of early diagnosis and intervention programs can result in a five-fold return on investment as a result of increased employee productivity.

The process normally takes approximately 4-6 sessions depending on how deep-seated the Depression is and how long it has been in place, response, and commitment from you, as opposed to much longer methods used by psychologists, psychotherapists, conventional Hypnotherapists, etc. It is impossible to be totally accurate as to how many sessions are required due to the differences in clients, but with the use of Hypnosis, NLP, Mesmerism and the desensitization of the past event compounding it with Posthypnotic suggestions & anchoring it dramatically speeds up the whole process.

Once you have this power to beat your depression, you'll find yourself bonding more with family and friends, having more confidence in yourself, and getting back to the same quality of life you enjoyed before depression became part of your world. It's unfortunate that there is such a social stigma attached to depression because if you stop ignoring it and confront it with the support of family, friends, and a Clinical Hypnotherapist, you'll often find yourself wondering why you didn't seek out help sooner.

A Note From Sam Javed

Bookings are available Monday to Friday plus AFTER-HOURS and WEEKENDS by Appointment.
You will be fully supported throughout your whole journey with a take-home MP3 for further calming effects

If you have any questions or need more information, don't hesitate to reach out. Decide NOW to find out if the HYPNOTHERAPY PROGRAM is the right fit for you, and reserve your FREE, private phone consultation by calling 0404 301 306.

Get the help you need by contacting us now 100% confidential and obligation free!


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