Develop Self Confidence with Self Esteem Hypnotherapy
I’m going to ask you a few questions… and be HONEST with yourself if ANY of these apply to you…
Fear of other's opinions. There is a great number of people that worry about what others think of them. Do you worry too much about this issue?
Fear of new situations. Do you avoid trying new activities or embracing challenges due to doubt in your own abilities or because you fear what others might think of you?
Dismissing compliments. Do you find that you do not acknowledge compliments or you politely turn them away thinking that they are not genuine?
Negative Thoughts. Do you often focus on what you did wrong? Repeatedly using negative words to describe yourself such as silly, dumb, boring, fat, or ugly – either verbally or through negative internal dialogue. Many people suffer from a lack of self-esteem to varying degrees and low self-esteem can gradually manifest in any one of us at any time of our lives.
Balance Your ‘Inner Beliefs’ and Eliminate the Anxiety, Nervousness, and Hesitation RUINING Your Life
- Do you want to feel totally confident every day of your life?
- Do you stay in physically or emotionally abusive relationships and tolerate unacceptable partners because you think you're unworthy or don’t deserve better?
- Does standing in a crowded room or attending social functions make you feel nervous?
- Do you ever feel Anxious for no obvious reason?
- Do you Lack social skills and self-confidence that lead to feeling depressed and/lacking motivation Do you feel tired just after waking up?
- Have you suffered from an Eating disorder?
If your answer is yes to any of the above questions, then you are not alone.
"Millions of people throughout the world have successfully developed self-confidence using Hypnosis."
Everyone has insecurities, but some struggle with them more than others. If this is how you look at yourself all the time it can be harmful. We may have doubts about our physical attractiveness, or be unhappy with our body image. Many people fear that they don't measure up to others intellectually, or dislike the way they sound when they speak. Regardless of what leads to unhappy emotions, we are all left feeling defeated and unsure of ourselves sometimes.
When we lack self-confidence we suffer as a result. With some help and guidance, you can be well on your way to breaking out of the low self-confidence trap because confidence can be learned. If you've had failures in the past that you haven't worked through, it can hold you back in the present. I've found that once a past issue is resolved on a conscious and subconscious level then we are more likely to move forward. Trying new things becomes easier and MORE fun. Maybe you weren't raised by the most loving parents, or you had parents who withheld praise and affection from you? Perhaps you know the loneliness of feeling unworthy and helpless after a childhood of being teased and put down by peers. Perhaps you're one of the millions of children who suffered at the hands of bad teachers, who preferred to have you controlled by threats than awakened with encouragement. In adulthood, you might be struggling with how to balance your family life and career. Past relationships, medical problems, Children issues, or a family dispute? All of these situations can prevent you from moving forward.
YES Any One Can Develop Confidence With Self Esteem Hypnotherapy
It's not just about Positive Thinking! In this program, I’ll communicate with your subconscious mind, step by step, you will learn how to become consciously aware of and MASTER the emotions and feelings that have been blocking and stopping you for years.
What if your worst and most persistent fears could be re-channeled and re-directed into even more powerful sources of confidence, charm, and attraction? What if the very same negative, thoughts that have kept you stuck could be transmuted and harnessed to work in your favor? Empowering you with a newfound confidence that attracts people towards you anywhere you happen to be?
To change your self-image and improve low self-esteem you need to believe in an alternative opinion of yourself through experience. In the words of a wise man: “If you are not for yourself then who else will be?” Hypnotherapy is a pleasant and relaxing experience. You'll remain aware, yet deeply relaxed throughout the sessions. Before you decide to make the decision. I'll tell you a few things that might help.
Your How Develop Self Confidence Program includes
- Individual private sessions of hypnotherapy. I will meet with you and perform a detailed diagnosis of your challenges. With this personal, face-to-face interaction, I will address not just the SYMPTOMS but the TRUE CAUSE of your problem you’ll be able to give me information ask questions, bounce ideas, and get feedback.
- You'll learn how to push the ‘off switch for fear and desperation and create massive amounts of confidence and motivation in just a few moments
- I'll walk you step by step through a series of simple yet powerful techniques you can release your insecurities and experience a new way of thinking and feeling.
- During the sessions, I'll communicate with your deeper subconscious mind and will address the PART that WANTS to be more confident and address the PART that’s trying to SABOTAGE you out of your goals.
- I'll teach you how to release negative emotions when you're having any negative internal dialogue
- By communicating with your deeper subconscious mind and connecting with your inner resources, you'll develop the courage and commitment to stick to your goals even when the going gets really tough.
- Colour Lüscher Diagnosis
- By communicating with your deeper subconscious mind to change the way you think about yourself and how you deal with future challenges.
- As well as hypnotherapy, during each session, we'll resolve any secondary gains on an unconscious level.
- Once programmed, your subconscious mind will move you towards the new healthy lifestyle and maintain it
- Unconscious goal setting strategies by building self-esteem and confidence
Imagine what it would be like to:
- Feel more comfortable and relaxed in social situations!
- Delight in newfound friendships and relationships!
- Believe in yourself and achieve your full potential!
- Undertake professional challenges with newfound confidence and assertiveness!
- Work towards and achieve the things that you really deserve in life!
You can make the decision to move forward NOW! Don’t let skepticism get in the way of where you are and where you want to be. Why not join the many others who have been able to develop confidence by booking your Your How Develop Self Confidence Program.
A note from Sam Javed
Most people don’t have to wait any longer than two weeks to make an appointment with us. However, with our increasing popularity, you should call sooner rather than later.
Get the help you need by contacting us now 100% confidential and obligation free!
Sam Javed is so easy to talk to. His warmth and professionalism ensures that you know you can tell him anything in confidence with his ability to pay attention to what you really want. From our initial consultation, there have been dramatic changes in my life style. I feel more like my old self NOW, more confident, more positive and more aware of who I am as a person, what I truly want , I used to have a motto ‘if I could I would’ , NOW I CAN
In fact, I have - I am in the process of enrolling in Tafe course to further my academic studies, something I would not have dreamed I could do a few years ago. Other things I have noted include, I handle stressful situations a lot better, as I am much more relaxed. I sleep better and don't suffer from the grinding of my teeth during sleep the same way I used to. Strangely enough, I've started to lose weight as I'm not comfort eating any more. And have just come back from my first Over seas Holiday !
I have really enjoyed my sessions with Sam and would sincerely recommend him to you.
He can and will make a difference to your life.
Dear Sam
I just wanted to say thank you so much for all the time that you invested in me. Little did I know what a difference you would make to my life on that day I met you. It has been a pleasure, and an honor to have met an honest, and caring man, like you. We need more people like you and the world would be a better place. I look at every thing with a positive out look even the problem that I had gave me the opportunity to meet you and made me trust humans again .You have really encouraged me and I feel my life has changed for the better in so many ways now. People have said I seemed so much more relaxed and happy now, and I think that's definitely true. So just thanks once again for everything. You are one of the best blokes that I have met in my life, and I'm so happy my experience with you will be with me for the rest of my life. I will never forget you. You are a legend Mate
Unexpectedly, It Seems Something Has Switched Off In My Mind, I Am Not Anxious Any More, There Is Some Calm In The Air.
THANK YOU. I'm a proud client of yours. I came to see you to overcome my shyness of talking to women in social gatherings. You have liberated parts of my mind and have made aware many things in my life. It's changed my life for the better in a multitude of ways. Be proud my man; you've brought awesomeness to the lives of many a people across the globe! It must be stellar to get thanked for something you also got paid for by the way 🙂
Many thanks and best wishes,
Dear Sam
I just wanted to let you know how my life was since the Hypnotherapy sessions. I have been meaning to thank you for a while but I keep forgetting because to be honest I keep forgetting what my problem was, its history and I can't believe how much it previously stopped me from being the person I truly wanted to be and having an active social life.
Dear Sam,
"I've had a fantastic winter, I must say I got a lot from it. I experienced myself as a normal happy person and I really enjoyed the sessions. Now my confidence in myself has grown by leaps and bounds. I am learning to accept myself. I can't express the calm I feel now compared with the terrible mess I was in before I came to see you. I have started to make eye contact with strangers with out being self conscious."
I was very sceptical going in. I had a problem with erectile dysfunction. I wasn't convinced that simply talking about it would help. With such a personal problem you need someone who is going to make you feel at ease & able to just say whatever comes into your mind without judging you.
The problem has been resolved. It was a pleasure to talk heart to heart with Sam and discussing the issue with him never felt awkward or difficult. The mental techniques he proposed began to have an impact almost immediately once I'd gotten the hang of them. Really hypnotherapy was one of my last resorts. Sam Javed is such a friendly, down to earth bloke, a pleasure to have met. Oh, & my nagging wife is pretty pleased with the outcome too!
I'm a proud client of yours. I came to see you to overcome my shyness of talking to women in social gatherings. I am engaged to the girl I used think was out of my league. You have liberated parts of my mind and have made aware many things in my life. It's changed my life for the better in a multitude of ways. Be proud my man; you've brought awesomeness to the lives of many a people across the globe! It must be stellar to get thanked for something you also got paid for by the way 🙂
Many thanks and best wishes.
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