Sam Javed Is A Leading Expert In Therapeutic Magnetic Fascination and Mesmerism
I would like to share my enthusiasm for this rare and powerful technique. I appreciate your curiosity and want to answer some questions that might come to mind. I've discovered the truth about some ancient healing techniques. Doubt has always been a process through out my life. My own way to reach to the real truth. I'd also like you to become more resourceful, and more knowldgeable on this topic.Just as in science doubt helps you to discover, it also helps us in our inward journey.
What are Mesmerism and Hypnotic Fascination?
In mesmerism we work with animal magnetism. Even if it's not well defined by science, animal magnetism has its own reality and it has been used for thousands of year by magnetic healers around the world. The main sources of Mesmerism are in Europe.
Real Hypnotic Fascination is different from modern hypnosis and more similar to some oriental techniques of charming and fascination.
Fascination is a powerful non verbal technique dating back to the Greeks and the Egyptians. With a learned use of the gaze one can induce instant trance without even touching a person, and get deeply in contact with the reality of another person.
With Fascination we act upon the subjective reality of a person through the use of the gaze and some hands gestures.
For therapeutically results we use some particular symbols. Verbal language is not so important as with the gaze we can get rapidly in touch with the serpentine brain, the cerebellum.
In all Fascination traditions the eye is very important. Modern research shows that our three dimensional reality is constructed mainly through the gaze, even motor responses or the auditory localization of sounds are neurologically deeply connected and influenced by brain elaboration of visual inputs. Note that even modern hypnosis has originated from a popularized technique of the school of fascination. Dr. James Braid, a physician from Manchester, observed in fact that bright objects could induce trance which he coined "hypnosis".
Obviously, the complete school of Fascination involves many more techniques, it is very different from hypnosis, and it is lightning fast in its results.
Hypnotic Fascination is a therapy wherein the subject is placed in a natural state of well being without the need to close the eyes; and therefore maintains a detached contact with external reality. We can almost instantly relieve neuro-muscular tensions, and many difficult problems such as tinnitus, and indeed other psychosomatic illnesses. On the psychological side we can bring a person out of the learned trances of worry, anxiety, and fear etc. You can use also the technique on yourself in an appropriate setting.
We can naturally use it also for personal influence.
In this state you are also open to better feeling energetic fields, and an expert practitioner can therefore operate on a very deep level of healing.
Putting together fascination and magnetism we have what is called "magnetic fascination" that is the oldest and strongest form of it.
Magnetic fascination involves many concepts relating to what in Eastern countries is called "prana" or "ki" and works on energetic level.
Nothing as these techniques well used permits more human development.
My journey to the secret
My interest in hypnotic fascination began here in Australia. After graduating as clinical hypnotherapist and spending a considerable time studying and practicing the works of Milton Erickson, Paul Mckenna, Gerald klein, Doloras Cannon, Michael Newton , Cal Banyan, Tom Silvers , Michael Yapko, Hammond, John Grinder and Richard Bandler and dozens of others. I found that most of the western hypnotherapists were only scratching the surface. I found Ormond mcgill and his work on Hynotism and Mystism of India to be very moving, that lead me on a journey of reading and practicing the ancient techniques that are long forgotten in this modern world of Hypnotherapy/NLP. I tried some of the old eastern techniques of HYPNOTISM and found them to be very effective and fruitful with my clients, and could see them going into profound states of hypnosis and many times somnambulism, with only a few words spoken. That lead me to further investigate the hypnotists of the last few centuries. Many of these texts spoke as normal of feats that no modern hypnotist was able to do in the way these ancient texts said. Modern hypnosis give many reasons, but it is generally bound to the use of verbal suggestion. Modern hypnosis has sometimes tried to explain some of the feats of what Mesmer and others did, but using its own paradigm, that is based on words, while in reality both Mesmer as many other old hypnotists used non verbal communication, and it is impossible to explain fully in words non verbal communication.
Now I have rediscovered the power of the ancient tradition, connecting it with the most recent studies on man and mind, and this can also be a key for giving you also the possibility of an "unlimited reality" and "unlimited abundance".
Mesmer used the hands, the gaze, and no words. We divide the teaching in
a) magnetic part and
b) right use of the power of the gaze (fascination) part
I began a search in the whole world, to find somebody else knowing the secret. Luckily I had the opportunity to work with a well known Australian hypnotist Rick Colling wood who shared the same passion as me, and I consider my self to be very lucky to have great teachers like him. Over the years I have personally assisted countless thousands of people, using my own unique therapeutic hypnosis techniques. My client list includes international Movies Stars, Sales Motivators, Commercial Airline Pilots, Psychologists, Medical Professionals, Business People, Home makers and Children. Stress disorders, nicotine and drug dependency, gambling, addiction, pain management, depression, panic disorder, insomnia, motivation, chronic fatigue syndrome, and many other various behavioral challenges. I have also specialized in inducing trance on cancer patients what a lot of other so called "hypnotherapists "could not achieve due to either a lack of knowledge or commitment.
As it takes a lot to be a real hypnotist that can induce and maintain a certain depth of trance that is beneficial and effective for the client with lasting results, some of the techniques that I learnt over the decades and have since been practicing are related to profound and deep states of trance, coupled with mesmerism and fascination. Fortunately for those who are interested in the area of fascination one has to work on his skills to be a fascinator, unlike clinical hypnosis where there is little to measure the depth of trance that most of the therapist do not dare try due to the fear of not knowing what to do if the clients unconscious mind does not respond in the affirmative. So they stick to relaxation therapy and suggestion that might have limited success in a therapeutic settings . I also had the opportunity to collaborate with Dr Marco Paret in Nice French Riviera and Turin Italy.
Dr Marco Paret has spent many years studying with the masters of these traditional and mystical techniques in Italy and Europe. The protocols didn't die, they were just forgotten and now I along side Dr Paret has put them all back into practice. I was very pleased that some one has taken the responsibility of putting the effort of bringing this art back to the world, other wise one could only read about that in books and might wonder if that is ever possible..
The Truth behind the secret
The presently popular methods of so called "Modern Hypnosis", "Ericksonian Hypnosis", and NLP, all find substantial shortcomings in comparison to the profound trance states and cures routinely achieved by the Magnetists, the Mesmerists, and the Hypnotic Fascinators of the past. As “Doubt is the beginning not the end of wisdom”.
Throughout the seventeen and eighteen hundreds, thousands of documented cures were attained using the traditional methods of Mesmerism and Animal Magnetism, and also with Hypnosis which was then induced through Fascination by the eye, as opposed to words and verbal relaxation instructions.
The resulting success's in the amerolisation of disease and physical and emotional conditions were simply beyond what can ever be achieved with any style or method of so called "Modern Hypnosis".
The truth is that modern hypnosis is often not actual hypnosis at all.Learning true Mesmerism, Magnetism, and Hypnotic Fascination skills have elevated my therapeutic skills to a whole new level, light years beyond any other hypnotist presently practising in the world.
Fee Schedule for Clinical Hypnosis
1st Session $795 duration 90 minutes
On-going Sessions are $695
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) concerning Mesmerism, Magnetism and Fascination
Is mesmerism a form of mind control?
The first and most important of mind control in the practice of magnetism is the control over our own selves. The concept is identical to the one which is used by those martial arts having as their aim the attainment of self-mastery. As Lao-Tse has said: “Whoever beats other people is strong, but whoever beats his own self is truly powerful”. In order to attain results, the focus must stay on mastering one’s own energy. In actual fact, the mesmeric practitioner hypnotizes himself with a view to hypnotizing the person he is dealing with.
What is the relationship between mesmerismus and Neuro-Linguistic Programming?
Neuro-Linguistic Programming might be complementary to this discipline, but the departure point is different. Neuro-Linguistic Programming is founded on the concept of a “dominant channel”, whereas magnetism, being the way of gaining access to the sixth sense, to the so-called quintessence, to true intuition and magnetic strength, can only emerge after one has equally developed the other five channels.
What is the relationship between mesmerism and quantum techniques?
There is quite a close connection indeed. Modern quantum concepts are actually strengthened by mesmerism. That is so, in particular, of the concept of entanglement, which has a strict correspondence with what we can ascertain during the so-called “magnetic action”, which is an action that can even take place at a distance
How can magnetism complement verbal hypnosis?
Hypnosis as currently practiced is essentially verbal. Magnetism and mesmerism are non-verbal. Words are endowed with a lower density than gestures. What is non-verbal is denser than the verbal. The self, the ego, is primarily verbal, whereas one’s inward being is mostly non-verbal. The body is non-verbal. The more one is in touch with one’s essential inward identity, the greater is the balance which is thus established. Repossessing the body is the path leading one back to his essential being.
In which field is mesmerism particularly effective?
Whenever hypnosis is resorted to, magnetism has the ability of amplifying its effect. What is different, however, is that the approach which mesmerism takes pays great regard to the body, and undoubtedly operates at a more subliminal level than classical hypnosis. As for the speed at which results materialize, results might be within closer reach due to the fact that the non-verbal is denser than the verbal, as the latter follows the speed of words.
How are these techniques able to uplift hypnosis?
The simpler the hypnosis, the more immediately effective it becomes. The non-verbal is simpler than the verbal. The primary reality is indeed the non-verbal reality.
How can an ordinary person perceive mesmerism?
Each person has a body. The key, as far as many people are concerned, lies in recovering the bodily perception which so many people deny to themselves. The truth is that all the patients are very happy about the therapies, and they invariably record excellent results. Mesmerism states that the healing power, the strength, and the resistance to different situations of life, and an intuitive energetic healing power, are all inborn capabilities of the human being. This is confirmed by the fact that sometimes any of these personable attributes can manifest themselves spontaneously. These capabilities in the contemporary world are submerged by conscious thinking patterns and the chattering
A note from Sam Javed
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It is an amazing method of healing with the touch of hands I was bit concerned as in my past experiences with group therapies and other forms of counseling, being an immigrant to Australia and English not being my first language I was not sure how I could be put in an altered state of imagination. Unlike verbal hypnosis with out counting the numbers or any stair cases you put me in a state of thoughtless awareness as if I could hear the ants crawl. I am fascinated that during the session, I felt surge of heat in my body generating from both of your hands, as the hands moved I could feel the warmth glide .For a moment, I felt a quick relief right away and I felt so relaxed in my abdomen. I feel how my body is responding to the treatment and I know that it is really helping me. After the session was completed, I felt so relieved and relaxed and all the pains I've been feeling went away.
As a licensed psychologist and counselor with over 14 years of clinical experience and an avid reader of various modalities of healing from various ancient school of thoughts, I deeply appreciate Sam Javed’s caring presence and genuine interest in the growth and well-being of his clients . His warm, emphatic manner, his balanced sensibilities, and his unconditional positive regard for the clients presenting issues. Not only is his Mesmeric work healing and he is a real treasure of knowledge on the subject. For these reasons and more, I can recommend her to all who seek greater health and wholeness in their lives without reservation."
Sam Javed’s professional Fascination practice has definitely improved my health and overall well-being. His insightful personality and non-invasive respectful treatment is what separates him from the rest, Sam also shared with me some mystical exercises of gazing that have transformed my life. I had been meditating for years but what I learnt here is direct communication with my own unconscious mind when ever, and where ever I want. After a mesmeric session I am always filled with renewed strength and balance to conduct my life in a more purposeful, peaceful and fulfilling manner."
I also know much about healing processes, but never had a process you have taken me so deep into the ancient wisdom. I could really feel what you were doing. There was a definite start point and end point and the energy was very strong.
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