Stop Smoking With A Life Time Guarantee
- Do you want to quit smoking, but worry that you won't be able to cope without it?
- Are you worried about how smoking is damaging your health?
- Have you tried to quit before and failed?
- Would you like to stop any cravings in a matter of moments?
- Are you tired of people telling you to quit smoking?
- If quitting was easy, would you do it today?
If Your Answer Is Yes To Even One Of The Questions Above - And want to meet your individual needs !
Millions of people throughout the world have successfully Quit smoking using Hypnosis.
"Hypnosis is the most effective way of giving up smoking, according to the largest ever scientific comparison of ways of breaking the habit. Willpower, it turns out, counts for very little". (New Scientist, Vol 136 issue 1845, 31 Oct 92, pg 6)
Results included 48 studies of hypnosis covering 6000 smokers, that were published in the Journal of Applied Psychology which clearly showed that hypnosis was three times more effective than nicotine replacement therapy
YES! Even Chain Smokers Can Quit Smoking!
Are you smoking a pack or more a day? No problem. I've helped people from all walks of life to quit smoking, from those who smoke one or two after meals to 2-3 pack a day smokers. If you want to quit just remind your self that
IF ANY THING IS HUMANLY POSSIBLE CONSIDER IT TO BE WITH IN YOUR REACH. You can let go of the old beliefs that are holding you back and enjoy the life of a non smoker in a safe, secure, quick and easy way that lasts a life time.
Does it often seem like your own mind is working AGAINST you, or is even trying to SABOTAGE you out of becoming a non smoker, not having the ideal health and life style that you really want?
This has to do with your SUBCONSCIOUS BELIEFS. They will work either work for you or against you?
Here's the problem. Normally your subconscious mind tries to protect you from what it perceives as a challenge. Maybe you've tried to Quit Smoking before by going cold turkey, using nicotine patches, popping pills or with electronic cigarettes and had only short term or no success. No matter how hard you consciously tell yourself that you won't light up that cigarette and still you do. This is because your subconscious thought process fights you every step of the way.
Your limiting beliefs and current thought patterns are deeply ingrained HABITS that most likely you’ve been practicing for YEARS – and it is going to take a very unique program to break you out of them. YES I CAN MAKE YOU QUIT SMOKING and welcome to a new way to stop smoking, control cravings and feel totally motivated to lead a healthy life style. I've developed a breakthrough Quit smoking system that re-patterns your thoughts, your attitudes, your health and your habits to help you easily get control of your life and kicking that unwanted habit away.
Most of our clients QUIT SMOKING in just ONE session
Get Specially Designed Hypnotic Techniques To Become A Non-Smoker Easily & Permanently, With Out Weight Gain, Cravings Or Mood Swings.
LIFETIME GUARANTEE I use the most advanced hypnotherapy techniques, combined with Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). At Hypnosis In Melbourne, we are so certain you will successfully quit your smoking habit that we offer free follow-up sessions - unlimited. For the majority of people who are READY, one session lasts a lifetime, and you are entitled to free reinforcement sessions until you feel completely smoke-free.
I understand that each smoker has a unique history and circumstance, so your session will be tailored to you as an individual. Habit smokers often find it easier to quit smoking because they don't have an emotional addiction to cigarettes.
Anxiety smokers, on the other hand (IE: those who smoke when they are under STRESS, ANXIOUS or FRUSTRATED, etc...) often need a little more care because smoking is a prop for all the other problems. If you take away the symptom (smoking) without treating the CAUSE (negative emotions), you will very likely go back to smoking.
For this reason, my hypnotherapy sessions focus on the underlying causes for the addiction as well as the symptom itself. Hypnotherapy is a pleasant and relaxing experience. You will remain aware, yet deeply relaxed throughout the session. Before you decide just how easy this decision is to make, let me tell you a few things that might help ok
Your How To Permanently Quit Smoking Program Includes
- Session of hypnotherapy. I will meet with you and perform a detailed diagnosis of your smoking challenges With this personal, face-to-face interaction, I will address not just the SYMPTOMS but the TRUE CAUSE of your problem you’ll be able to give me information ask questions, bounce ideas, and get feedback.
- During the hypnosis session, I will communicate with your deeper subconscious mind and will address the PART that WANTS to quit smoking and will also address the PART that’s trying to SABOTAGE you out of your goals.
- I will teach you how to release negative emotions when you have the cravings
- By communicating with your deeper subconscious mind and connecting with the inner resources that provide you courage and commitment to stick to your stop smoking goals even when the going gets really tough.
- By communicating with your deeper subconscious mind to change the way you think about your smoking habit and how you deal with nicotine withdrawal symptoms.
- Colour Lüscher Diagnosis
- As well as hypnotherapy during each session to resolve any secondary gains on an unconscious level.
- Once programmed, your subconscious mind will move you towards the new healthy lifestyle and maintain it
- Unconscious goal setting strategies by building self-esteem and confidence
What Is The Cost Of Not Quitting Today
- An average smoker spending between $50 to $80 per day and $420 per week will save $21,840 per year. The total cost is $695, that’s a small price to pay for your health.
- Smoking is the single largest preventable cause of death and disease in Australia killing 50 Australians daily, 350 each week, and around 18,200 every year.
- Smoking causes 20% of all cancers, 21% of all heart disease and costs $12.7 billion a year in health care, lost productivity and other costs (1998).
- The decline in the adult smoking rate has stalled on around 25% of the population, with smoking rates of women showing the least decline and rates of smoking amongst indigenous Australians remaining well above the national average.
- Smoking rates of children are rising after a decade of decline during the 1980s. The prevalence of smoking among minors in ‘the past week’, was 28% and 31% of 17 year old boys and girls respectively (1993).
- A child who starts smoking aged 14 years, is 5 times more likely to die from lung cancer than someone who began smoking at 24, and 15 times more likely to die from lung cancer than someone who has never smoked (Doran, Girgis, Sanson-Fisher, 1998 Australian Journal of Public Health vol22 no3).
Sam Javed uses the latest powerful Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Mesmerism, and NLP techniques to help you change the way you think about food and feel more confident and happy in yourself!
All your decisions about what, when and how much you SMOKE take place in your mind. Just like a computer you can re-program your mind so you can feel in control around food and happier in yourself. Addictions And Especially Cigarette Addictions are all to do with cravings created by our thoughts. We can change these thoughts through Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy and NLP. Most of the issues are negative self-esteem issues created in the past events. Negative thinking triggers the flight or fight response releasing uncomfortable stress chemicals in the body, this creates a craving for relief from the perceived threat that may not be conscious, which could be a want for approval, control or security. A want is a fear of lack. The flight to CIGARETTES is a response to relieve this craving.
Fear of failure can stop you from the beginning. You may compare your results to others that you feel are much better than you. Sometimes you may imagine the end goal, but it seems too far away and unobtainable.
Have You Ever Imagined What Would It Feel Like After QUITTING SMOKING?
- All the money you will save on each packet or carton of cigarettes
- Imagine the amazing increase in your self- esteem and the tremendous confidence you will feel.
- The years you will add to your life as your weight-related health risks decrease and a new healthy lifestyle begins.
- You might find increased energy levels and good health, as you breathe easier and feel better than you have in years!
- Imagine the powerful sense of accomplishment you will feel. As a result of achieving this life-changing goal.
- You might find the satisfaction of becoming a whole new person - the person you always wanted to be!
- Never again having to exile yourself from a social setting to feed your nicotine addiction away from disapproving friends or family members.
It is true that quitting smoking can be difficult for some. If you are sick of worrying about your increased risk of suffering from emphysema, lung cancer or other deadly smoking-related illnesses. Some smokers are wasting hundreds of dollars a week on a habit that is causing their body so much harm. Others are you tired of feeling powerless while other people seem to be able to 'just decide to quit. Have you discovered how easily you can make the decision to go ahead NOW, Don’t let skepticism get in the way of where you are and where you want to be, So why not join many others who have been able to Quit Smoking booking your How To Permanently QUIT SMOKING Program?
Naturally you will find more then enough reasons to go ahead today and if you understand even a little bit of what you have read.
A note from Sam Javed
Most people don’t have to wait any longer then one weeks to make an appointment with us. However, with our increasing popularity you should call sooner rather then later.
Get the help you need by contacting us now 100% confidential and obligation free!
The cost Vs the investment in your self
Right now you are a smoker who wants to give up.
You’re looking around & considering the most effecive way to be a non smoker
I invite you to think of the cost as a worthwhile investment that will pay off dividends in the coming days, months and years for the rest of your life
As of December 2024, the average cost of packet of cigarettes ranges between $40-80.Lets work with an average of $60
The investment
Your therapy is charged at $750 including a FREE quit smoking mp3 for ongoing support valued at $50 .You can don’t have to be good at math to calculate how much you can save in a year, if you’re a 20 a day smoker you’ll have over $21,840 of your hard earned cash to spend on some thing far more worthwhile than damaging your health. Maybe a well deserved holiday or what ever you want for yourself or someone else that you care for.
It Was The Best Thing I Have Ever Done
"I started smoking at the age of 14, smoking only when I could get a smoke of mates just to look cool. By the age of 18 I was smoking 20 a day and this progressed until at 24 I could not get by without smoking between 40 - 60 cigarettes a day. I had graduated into a chain smoker my friends used to call me the chimney. I had tried numerous times to stop but just couldn't do it, the urge for a smoke was too great for me to resist. I came to Sam Javed and it was the best thing I have ever done and now I detest the smell of cigarette smoke. I can't thank Sam enough for helping me and giving me and my family a healthier life that I had only dreamt of. Thank you so much Sam I am full of gratitude for your help."
Food Tastes Good, Breath Smells Good, Clothes Smell Good, Pocket Is Fuller, Chest Is Clearer & I Can Breathe Fully Again
"I visited Sam Javed in St-Kilda to see if he could help me stop smoking - which I had done for 27 years previously. I had tried every thing under the sun from patches, nicotine gum , tablets, all sorts of aids and gadgets even the electric cigarette - NOTHING WORKED IN THE PAST.
I walked in to see Sam with half a packet in the car glove box. I came out after ONE session a complete non smoker without an urge, craving or want to smoke a cigarette and have been the same for the last 4 healthy years. Food tastes good, breath smells good, clothes smell good, pocket is fuller, chest is clearer and I can breathe fully again.
money well spent thank you Sam."
Money Well Spent Thank you Sam
Approximately four years ago I decided I would like to stop smoking and I made an appointment with Sam Javed. At that time it cost $90 which was a lot of money for an unemployed single mum. A friend ( also a smoker ) accompanied me for the consultation for the kicks, but wouldn't pay in her words the "quack fee" From that day I stopped smoking period.
I have NEVER had the urge to smoke - in fact the cigarette smell makes me feel sick and I feel great knowing that I do not have to suffer any more. My friend still smokes to this day ! That “quack fee” would have been well spent !!
I Was Very Cynical And Did Not Believe It Was Possible To Stop
Hi Sam,
Just felt that I had to let you know how grateful I am to you. I came to your offices 6 months ago smoking almost one and a half pack a day. I was very cynical and did not believe it was possible to stop, but here I am 6 months later and a very happy non smoker. I know that this would not have been achievable without your help ! Above all my grand children benefited from it by having a smoke free home.
Many thanks.
I Was Struggling With My Weight I Used The Cigarettes As An Excuse
Words can't describe the FEELING!!! No bother giving up on a old habit, in fact cigarette smoking now repulses me NOW. I was on up to 20 cigarettes a day and because I was struggling with my weight I used the cigarettes as an excuse to keep my weight down. Consequently I got a lot heavier on them.
I even got to the stage of taking one when I woke up at 7.00am. The session was great I do not remember much and frankly I do not care, it feels like there was a button in my mind that you switched off. Just to make sure I got the BOOSTER SESSIONS from you. You are truly gifted in this area of Smoking Cessation, I can't praise it enough, I am delighted, and it really does work.
For All The Money We Have Saved We Go On A Holiday Every Year
Dear Mr Javed,
My lovely husband visited your clinic in late April 2009 to stop smoking, which he had done for 28 years. He had attempted to stop several times before, with no success, and many side effects to his health and well being. Since his consultation with you, he has been transformed, not only has he lost all desire for cigarettes, but has become more relaxed and easy going in many ways.
As he has a very stressful profession, this is an extra bonus. I felt I had to write and tell you of this wonderful result, and congratulate you upon your excellent work, of which we have told many. We now save all the money we would usually have spent on cigarettes and we have a fantastic holiday every year.
I Have Never Had A Desire For A Cigarette Again
I just wanted to let you know how successful your "Stop Smoking " Hypnosis was for me. In October 2008 I visited you in south Melbourne as a smoker of 20 plus per day for Hypnotherapy. I had suffered chest infections constantly and as a last resort contacted your self on my GP and friend Lesley Rosenberg’s referral. You promised me it would work. But if I am totally honest, was very sceptical. That was 10 months ago and I have never had a desire for a cigarette again. I have saved a fortune. Have never felt so healthy. It was the best money ever spent. I have recommended you to everyone among my family friends and work colleagues who say are interested in quit smoking. You can say Quit Smoking with hypnosis or the hard way!
Many thanks once again,
I Had Used Hypnosis Tapes Several Years Before To Successfully Quit Smoking
I had used hypnosis tapes several years before to successfully quit smoking – or so I thought at the time. Then one day out of the blue I began smoking again just to find out if I had successfully quit smoking or not !!!!.This time I needed a sure fire way to quit for good and Sam javed helped me to do that. With the help of PERSONALIZED individual sessions I have quit smoking; and I feel positive that this time, I will NEVER go back to smoking again. Sam’s program works.
And He Said "Being Around Other Smokers Doesn't Bother Him At All"
I am musician and my voice is my lively hood, however my house mates are smokers, work mates are smokers, friends are smokers even my partner is a smoker. I have tried quitting but failed because I thought I couldn't do it if I was surrounded by smokers all the time. Knowing what harm I was doing to myself, yet being able to justify it!!! Finally I decided I had had enough of damaging by lungs and throat with cigarettes.
A band member had Quit with the help of Sam Javed and when I asked him he told me that being around other smokers doesn't bother him at all. So I decided to go for a session as well. What can I say, I have never been healthier and my voice has never been clearer in my life, and after a few weeks it feels as if I have never smoked in my life. Thanks mate you are a legend.
Hi SAM, I came to see you on 5th August 2007 and I was on 10 rollies per day, that is a lot of tobacco and the time to roll em up, and if I went to the pub with the boys it was even more than that, and then before going to bed a few joints on top. After visiting you I have never looked back that was my past done and dusted. This is by far the easiest and beneficial thing that I have ever done in my life. I often ask my self Why did I wait so long ??? Having been off them now for 4 years, my next goal is to lose weight (10 kgs or more) and SAM’S the man that will help me do it.!
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