As a Professional Clinical Hypnotherapist. I am dedicated to helping people improve their lives and shape their futures. Since discovering the Wim Hof Method in 2010, I've come to understand that I have found a method that will not only help me improve the lives of my patients and those around me, but also my own life.
When I met with Wim, I had a frozen shoulder and chronic hay fever that was interfering with my enjoyment of life. After just after five days, my shoulder was free, my hay fever had cleared, and I was performing at a physical level that I never thought possible. Since my introduction to the Method, it has become an integral part of my life. Practicing the method every day is now an essential part of my daily routine and a crucial aspect of my therapeutic practice.
What Can You Expect From My Workshops, Seminars, And Retreats?
You'll unlock the potential of your body and mind by mastering the techniques of the Wim Hof Method. You'll literally become a 'super' version of yourself by improving your immune system and energizing your body so that you enjoy a more restful sleep at night. You'll notice the improvements in all aspects of your day-to-day life. I have more than 20,000 hours of experience in influencing human behavior, coaching, and training people of all ages.
Who Should Attend?
Everyone can benefit from attending one of my Wim Hof Method programs. Health practitioners and therapists of all types will gain further insight into treatments. Sports performance coaches and athletes will unlock their potential, and anyone who wants to get more out of life will be entirely transformed by the Method.
- Experience: I have been involved with the Wim Hof Method since 2010
- Qualification: I have attained the highest instructor-level training in the Wim Hof Method, and have progressed to a point where Wim has entrusted me as the program's Instructor level III Highest level possible.
- Approach: As a qualified Clinical Hypnotherapist, I bring a unique approach to the Method working with the mind body connection.
Participants describe my training as life changing, safe, Fun and effective.
What others are saying

Dr Marc Cohen
"I owe extreme gratitude to Sam for introducing me to Wim Hof: First by telling me about him with such detail and passion that I was compelled to wade through the plethora of online information on him and begin to practice the Wim Hof Method; and then by way of a dinner invitation where Wim and I hit it off and began a deep friendship and research collaboration.
Since then I have attended many workshops and events with Sam and have been continually impressed by his ability to hold space and his passion for sharing the Wim Hof Method with people of different ages and backgrounds. Sam has a talent for focusing people's attention and together with his hilarious dry wit he is able to put people at ease and guide them through transformative processes that leave them buzzing and hungry for more.
As Australia's first accredited Wim Hof Method Instructor, Sam is well-placed to introduce thousands of people to Wim Hof and his Method and I have no hesitation in recommending people attend one of Sam's workshops or see him for private sessions."
MBBS(Hons), PHD, BMedSc(Hons), FAMAC, FICAE School Of Health and Biomedical Sciences RMIT University

Josh Komen
Sam's passion and enthusiasm for the Wim Hof Method is infectious his welcoming approach helped me to meet Wim Hof himself. As Sam has spent a lot of personal time with Wim he has all the attributes to go deep into ones self and find strength Heath and happiness we all deserve. I have had luekemia twice and had a bone marrow transplant Sam and his deep connection with the body and the Wim Hof method has allowed me to heal from the inside out. I have practiced deep meditation and breathing followed by an ice bath in one to one sessions with Sam his calm manor allowed me to get the best from his guided practice I highly recommend Sam as an instructor for anyone in pain a serious illness and or to get the best from themselves. Not many instructors have spent the one on one time with Wim Hof as Sam has. And a class teacher "
Sports Man Ranked no 1 in New Zealand For 800 Meters and Silver Medalist in 2011 before diagnosis of Luekemia

Threse Kerr
Wim Hof is an extraordinary man and standing beside him supporting him and everyone in their own health journey is Sam, Australia's leading Wim Hof Method accredited practitioner. Join Wim Hof and Sam as they take you on a deep spiritual journey that will have you understand how incredibly powerful and resourceful you are Truly a life changing, transformational experience.
International Public Speaker. Organic Industry Leadership Award Winner. Wellness Ambassador. Visionary.

Rick Collingwood
I've known Sam since meeting him at a Hypnosis Convention in 2010. I remember him telling me about Wim then and since that time have watched him excel at both hypnotherapy, coaching, and the Wim Hof method.
From the outset as far as Australia is concerned, Sam push and organised so much. It is no easy feat to complete Wim Hof Method training up to instructor level and I shout out a big congratulation to Sam and also to Wim for choosing Sam as an Australian delegate.
If you want to improve your health and stamina using a methodology that is backed by sound scientific then the WHM is definitely the way to go. If you are in Australia and choose to follow the method, there is no better person in my opinion to learn from than Sam. He has the passion, the knowledge, the skills and just as importantly the integrity. I wish you all the best as you grow the WHM throughout Australia as I fully expect that you will.
Wim himself is an amazing and also a humble man whose primary interest is to bring him awesome techniques to the world. I think he has made a very wise choice in approving Sam for the representation of his method in Australia. Wim you've got a passionate man who walks his talk. I wish you all the very best of success.
Rick Collingwood (Principal Of The Australian Academy Of Hypnosis)

John Volonakis
Sam helped me with his knowledge and practical experience of the Wim Hof Method at the weekend retreat. That gave me an understanding and awareness of the physical body and the emotional mind. The truly great thing about learning from Sam is his ongoing unconditional support over the months that helped me master the techniques. Being a professional athlete and coach the application of the Wim Hof Method helped me and my clients improve performance, active recovery after physically demanding sessions, and general well-being.
John Volonakis Coach , trainer, and EFT practitioner at The Fitcorp Factory